среда, 7 марта 2012 г.

Kunstkamera - Кунсткамера

 Figure of a horse
Japan. 19th century
This figure of a horse was brought by tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich from Japan in 1891.
From ancient times the horseback riding was one of the obligatory martial skills in Japan. The horse is one of the favourite images among toys. Even nowadays on Boys Day, May, 5 the horse is a necessary element in the set of toys for house decoration.

Groom and Bride
Rajasthani. India. Middle of the 20 th century
In India on the wedding day the groom and bride receive honors like tsar and tsarina.
At the wedding ceremony they are surrounded by the symbols  of magic purity, prosperity and fertility.
Together they light an oil lamp as a symbol of new life.



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