понедельник, 13 сентября 2010 г.

Tara mountain and the national park - Гора Тара и национальный парк

 (received from Ane4ka by private swap)
Tara   is a mountain located in western Serbia, with a smaller part in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is part of Dinaric Alps and stands at 1,000-1,500 meters above sea level. The mountain's slopes are clad in dense forests with numerous high-altitude clearings and meadows, steep cliffs, deep ravines carved by the nearby Drina River and many karst, or limestone caves. The mountain is a popular tourist center. 
Tara's national park encompasses a large part of the mountain. The highest peak, Veliki Stolac (1675 m) is located in the Bosnian part of the mountain, and the nearby Kozji rid (1591 m) is the tallest in the Serbian part.The national park consists of a group of mountain peaks with deep picturesque gorges between them. The most striking of these gorges is the Drina Gorge, with its sheer drops from 1000-250 meters and extensive views of western Serbia and nearby Bosnia. The area is also characterised by karst caves, pits, springs, and breathtaking vista points.
В западной части Сербии много чудесных гор. Одна из них - гора Тара, которая за свои красоты объявлена национальным парком. Исключительная обстановка нетронутой природы, столетние сосновые леса спускающиеся до каньона реки Дрины, привлекают туристов.
На фото справа - озеро в парке и редкие породы деревьев (сербские ели)
Тара - единственное место в мире, где они растут.

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